Large Lemon Drop Squeeze de Citron
Our Citron™ Lemon Drops project provides Guatemalan artisans a purpose of hope and a better quality of life. Building a sustainable income to continue their studies and provide for their family.
They are made with 100% RECYCLED plastic thread. It takes between 5 - 10 hours to make one.

Our Squeeze De Citron™ bags are ethically made and gracefully sourced by Mexican artisans using our in house designs. These bags take 7 - 10 days to make one. Our bags are hand woven with 100% PVC recyclable plastic. We offer a sustainable program for our USA clients on our website. Our Citron™ bags are inspired by life sharing happiness, joy and doing good by making an impact. Each bag creates sustainable jobs for our artisans.
Each bag may vary in size and small color detail since they are hand made by different artisans.
Please double check the size of your chosen bag to avoid an exchange. Size can vary since they are hand made artisanal products.